Deciding on a card that suits your requirements is considered a wise decision. There are different types of credit card that exist today. Some are better for individual users while others are geared towards small businesses. Let us find out what types of credit cards are there? And what different features they offer?
1. Business Credit Cards
As the name suggests a business credit card targets small business. This helps an individual to keep business and personal spending separate. The business credit card offer what an individuals credit card can not. The business credit card may offer some incentives, economy and rewards to the businesses which possibly will facilitate the business beyond what simple cash could achieve. Money management is essential for running a business; business credit cards may offer a money management service which could help keep your expenses in check. To get higher credit limit, you could get your employees credit cards for travelling and other things. Through this they may get higher credit limit than they normally would have.
2. Student Credit Card
Many financial institutions or banks offer credit cards to students....