Financial Planning for Retirement
You’ve worked hard all your life and one day the big day will arrive – you’ll retire. For now it probably still seems a long way into the future, but the reality is that the sooner you get ready for retirement, the more you’ll benefit when that day comes. Starting in your 20s or 30s is the best time to start planning financially for your retirement, but most of us are a lot close to retirement before we really get serious about preparing. But if you’ve ever heard of compounding when it comes to investments, then youll know that the more time you give your money to compound, the faster it grows.
The other important thing to remember is that expected lifespans have increased substantially in the law few decades. Not that long ago, someone would retire from work, maybe enjoy their retirement for five years or so, and that was it. It’s increasingly common for both men and women to live well into their 80s, with the average expected lifespan hovering around 80 years old. It’s very possible tat you’ll retire and love another 20 or 30 years afterwards. Yes, you will probably be able to...