Do You Have Enough Insurance Cover When Working From Home?
Those people who work on a regular basis from home should find out if they have enough business cover in place. If you are in employment with a company then the chances are that you have. However if you are classed as self- employed and work from home of your own accord then this is another matter and it is these people who should be asking themselves if they have enough cover.
There are many factors to be taken into consideration when working from home, one of them being that office equipment which is considered to be for commercial reasons, when used in the home environment may not be covered when taken out of the office and into the home.
Over 69% of workers, if they had the choice, would elect to work from their home. This means that this could leave many without enough cover should anything go wrong.
Another factor that has to be taken into account when working from home is the liability issues, if clients are going to the home instead of the workplace and, for example they should suffer an accident whilst being there, they could be left being unable to claim.
While working...