Effective Ways On How To Keep Your Student Credit Card From Serious Debt
Nothing symbolizes the entry of adulthood and independence much better than being in college. Most especially if youre working your way through it. If look back in our lives, college would seem to be the time when we both get to enjoy our youth and being an adult.
But we all know being an adult comes with a lot of responsibilities. Couple this with the exuberance, the carefree ways and sometimes, the stupidity of youth, there will come a time when we get ourselves into trouble, especially when it comes to our finances.
College is not just about having to study your lessons, write your papers and preparing for the exams, nor is it about having all the wondrous parties, hanging around with friends or maybe going around the mall looking for the perfect gadgets and outfits. We should all consider the bills we have to pay and all the other expenses.
Many of us in the past years have enjoyed the privilege and the benefits of having a student credit card. We are able to purchase almost everything we need even if we dont have any money yet. But of course, a student credit card is not...