Credit card companies seem to be growing by leaps and bounds. They are appealing to all kinds of people as well. If you thought that credit cards were available to only people with jobs, think again. Credit card companies are starting young these days. Who is their target? High school and college students, of course. As it turns out, if you are a student, you can avail of a credit card. In fact, that is the only time when you can secure a credit card despite being jobless. And college students love the fact that they have the option of spending freely.
Now that we have established that credit card companies are looking to reach out to increasingly younger people, one question arises: How are they attracting the student crowd? Well, student credit cards are marketed differently from other kinds of credit cards. In these cases, the credit cards come with a bunch of teasers that make it easy for the students to afford the card. Thus, there may be interest-free periods. There may be an incredibly low rate of interest. After all, students do not have a terribly stable income. To land them with an unnecessarily expensive credit card offer would mean the failure of that...