Get The Most Out Of Your Low Interest Credit Card
You have just applied and received your low interest credit card, and now you want to know what to do next. There are a few options you have available to you other than simply running out and purchasing various products, and a couple of thoughts to keep in mind that can end up saving you a great deal of money in the long run. Low interest credit cards are well suited for saving money by consolidating debt from higher interest sources utilizing balance transfers, and for making large purchases you cannot pay off in one billing cycle.
Balance Transfers
Qualifying for a low APR can be difficult if you have any smudges on your credit report, so if you received one you probably have another credit card already. If this is so, and you are running a balance on the higher APR card, you now have the option to save some money by cutting the amount you have to pay in finance charges. If it is possible to pay off the balance in full, then by all means do it. This is always the best path to savings. If however you are sure the balance on the higher rate card will be with you for a while, then it might be best to transfer...