Get Your Credit Report & Analysis
It is very important to get your credit report and analysis. Why is this important? For one thing, if you’re thinking about buying a house or applying for credit for any other big purchase, you’ll need a clean credit report, and it’s always best to get your credit report and analysis before your lender does. This will give you an opportunity to clean up any discrepancies or errors, which are fairly common, and which can throw a monkey wrench in the works if not resolved.
Ideally, you should get your credit report and analysis once a year with each of the three credit bureaus:
Bills can get them all
Equifax (800) 685-1111,
Trans Union (800) 888-4213,; and
Experian (888) 397-3742,
You’re entitled by law to get your credit report and analysis for free from each of these three credit bureaus once a year. You can get all three at once or spread them out over the year. If you get your credit report and analysis more frequently than that, each report will cost no...