Student credit cards will probably be one of the first things you will encounter as you go off to college. This very ‘adult’ financial tool can be a great help during emergencies when cash is tight and you need to pay for goods or services immediately. As a substitute for cash, it provides a safe and convenient method for purchasing.
How to get the best deal on your student credit card
Getting your student credit card is a lot easier than you think but if you’re not careful, you could end up with an unsatisfactory deal. To find which credit card is perfect for you, perform a shop comparison by talking to three or four different companies. They all offer different rates so you have to know what is out there to get the most out of your application.
Look for perks and extras at the same cost. When looking for a student credit card, remember that nothing is for free. Whatever comes piggyback on your credit card pretending to be a freebie is not really a gift. You’re paying for it and just dont know it.
To make the most of your so-called freebies and perks, look for a student credit card that offers discounts, warranties,...