Credit cards usage is likely to increase once again this holiday season. As usual, consumers are in the mood of buying presents for their loved ones whiles shops are looking forward to a fantastic profit. This inarguably, is the best season for mostbusinesses.
In fact, some take home as much as more than 40% of their total annual profits during the Christmas season alone. People, who may have saved throughout the year for this purpose, there will be no worries but plenty to look forward to – good things of course. It also means they do not have to worry about the credit card debt and the bills that come in January.
Loyal clients of the British-based company, Farepak Hampers have not been lucky as the “trusted” company with which they have diligently deposited their money in the hope of using it on presents for their loved ones and families this Holiday season has spectarculary collapsed. The state of affairs means that these customers are left with nothing and will have to find other ways of obtaining money to purchase their presents. With company bosses having pulled out of an expensive insurance scheme earlier to this collapse, there is likely...