As a parent you should not overlook a solid health plan for your college student. Among all the other support you give to your son or daughter, selecting a health plan should be high on your list of things to do. Often enough your own health plan will cover your children when they are 20 to 24 years old. Your college student usually has to qualify to be put on your health plan, such as financial dependency on you and long term enrollment which would consider them a full time student.
If you do not have a health plan that can be utilized for your child, the college he or she is attending will likely have some available for your selection. Some colleges include health care coverage as a mandatory part of enrollment. An added cost on enrollment is often needed to subscribe as part of the health care coverage, which will be an another burden on top of the tuition cost. If you are worried and cannot find any other option, you may need to justify the extra cost and obtain health coverage through the college in question.
You should always do your research by comparing the costs and benefits of each health plan, even if you already have a health plan and you’re...