There are many different types of home loans. There are loans that cater to almost any need imaginable, from bad credit loans to those special loans for people with perfect credit.
While it may seem great to have so many choices, these loans are often loaded with extras that can cost extra money. These extras are often added on and overlooked by the borrower. It is important to always read everything in the paperwork for a loan.
One of the things to first look for in home loans is the interest rate. In the majority of cases the interest rate is going to be the majority of the monthly mortgage payment. Ideally, you want the interest rate to be as low as possible. This can be difficult for people with bad credit as bad credit home loans are often backed with high interest.
Another thing to look at is the fees. They should be low and should not last too long. Many mortgages include fees, but some carry these with them throughout the life of the loan, meaning it costs the homeowner more.
Additionally, there are often fees for early pay off that penalize the borrower should they want to refinance or pay off their mortgage early. Many times these penalties...