First time buyers receive a great deal of attention at the current time due to the increasing difficulty of making that first step on the property ladder. It is rarely documented however of the difficulties facing homeowners looking to move up the property ladder which is too becoming increasingly difficult.
Recent research shows that the average upscale from a two to a three bedroom property now stands at 27,100. Those looking to upscale from a three to a four bedroom house face the biggest hike in price at 64,032.
As a result of these differences in price, coupled with the fees involved in moving home, more and more people are looking to use homeowner loans to improve & extend their current home to take the effect of upsizing.
When buying a property, many property developers will look at the potential to improve, modify and extend in order to increase the value. This is also a technique now used by many buyers looking at the potential for home improvement.
It can be difficult enough to buy property, with many considerations that must be taken into account. There are many issues that can reduce property value let alone increase it; however the...