How A Debt Consolidation Loan Online Can Help When Insurance Wont Cover Your Medical Bills
Medical insurance is a wonderful thing when you have it, but even the best medical insurance does not always cover everything. Sometimes this can be a problem. When medical bills become large due to surgeries or continued illness, the portion that you are to pay can become more than what you can afford quickly. A debt consolidation loan online can become very handy in this case.
When my son was born, he had to be in the neo-natal unit for eight days due to water in his airways and a heart murmur. While in there, he developed and was treated for jaundice. He was given several tests during his stay also. My wife and I were very lucky for two reasons. Our little guy came out just fine and is a healthy thirteen month old now, and we have great insurance. Our insurance covered the entirety of his stay. However, they did send the statement to me detailing the cost of his stay. Im sharing this story not because I want to point out my luck but to bring home the fact that even 20% of his $25,000 hospital bill would be a pretty sizable bill to have to pay all at once. Hospitals will...