Whether you are shopping for a new credit card or wondering about the one that you may already have, knowing how to calculate the finance charge applied to that card is important. First, however, it is equally important to know what finance charges really are.
A credit card finance charge is the amount of money that you pay to the credit card company in order to use their credit. This is not the same as the purchase amount balance. The purchase amount balance is the dollar amount of the purchases that you made using the card. If you pay off the purchase amount balance within the stated amount of time that the company allows, you will have no finance charges applied to the amount. It is when you carry over your balance that finance charges are triggered and added to your account.
Finance charges are calculated using the amount of your outstanding balance and APR. The APR is the Annual Percentage Rate and all credit cards use them to figure finance charges. It is important for consumers to understand that the ARP can vary from one company to the next, and it can even vary within the same company. It is for this reason that consumers should always look for the...