Although you probably wont find anyone who says that want to get heavily into debt, the reality is that many people find themselves in that situation for a variety of reasons, including taking on too many credit cards and personal loans, high medical bills, your childrens or your education expenses and just not paying close enough attention to your personal financial situation.
If you find yourself in that situation and are wondering what you should do, you might want to consider bill or debt consolidation. What is debt consolidation? It is simply that consolidating all your debt into one payment and taking the hassle out of it so that you can become debt free and avoid an awful lot of stress in the meantime.
So how do you get started on a bill and debt consolidation plan? The first thing you do is find out exactly how much in debt you are. To do this you will need to collect all of your account statements and write down the name of the creditor, the total amount that you owe that creditor and the amount of your monthly repayments.
The next thing you do is make up a realistic monthly budget. Go over all over you monthly expenditures such as rent or...