One of the most common questions asked is how much life insurance should I purchase. While there is no set answer, each individual and family needs to look at their exact needs and situation. Here are some broad factors to consider.
Look at your current and future needs. If you have a family or a spouse that is largely dependent on your wages to live, you might want to make sure that you have a life insurance that will cover your family and spouse for 20 years or more. Some people usually go with the philosophy that you are better off over insured, then not having enough insurance.
Some financial planners state that at minimum, you should at least have a policy of 15K to cover burial and all final expenses. In addition, some financial planners advise you to purchase life insurance by multiplying your salary, for instance, purchasing 5 times or 10 times the amount of your salary.
Other financial planners, advise you to look at your family or spouses expenses for the amount of years that you want to cover them and figure out how much money they will need to live comfortably. Many financial planners and life insurance agents have special formulas that can...