Because of the uprising number of credit card subscribers, credit card providers develop different tactics to attract these customers to avail in their company. There have been the cash pay back, monthly low interest rate and the enticing zero annual percentage rates. With these offers, who would not be tempted to get or transfer their balances to a new credit card and a promising one?
The only question here is, do you really get the real deal? Most often than not, maybe you don’t. So to help you decide on choosing the right APR for you, here are some guidelines:
-Reflect on your credit lifestyle. This means that you have to assess your credit needs and how you have proportioned your finances to meet these needs. If you are currently into the credit card system, ask yourself if there is already a need for you to transfer balances, what are the purchases that you badly needed and will you be able to pay the balances before the due date. Your honest assessment on these things will guide you to the credit card that best fits you.
-Consider the card features that will meet your needs. It should be noted that in most cases, the annual percentage rate for a...