Credit card offers are readily available. Perhaps you have been thinking about getting another one, or perhaps your first one simply because of the various advertisements you have seen. Owning a credit card really can make life simpler, but the choices make it a little difficult to choose which one to get. Here are few simple things you need to know to prevent you from getting one that could become a real nightmare.
The first thing you need to do is to decide the type of credit card you want. By looking at your greatest monthly expenditures, you should be able to determine whether you need an air miles card, a gas card, a rewards card for more general types of purchases, or another kind. By selecting a card to match the majority of your purchases, you can get the greatest amount of rewards or rebates enabling you to reduce the actual cost of your purchases.
Note the interest rate on the credit card offer. While it may not apply at the outset, because of the introductory offer, you do need to know what it is, because it will apply when the introductory offer is over. Of course, by making your payments in full each month, and on time, the interest rate can be of no...