There are many reasons to avoid carrying a large balance on your credit cards. Large balances can negatively impact your credit score. They will cause you to use your hard earned cash to pay interest. Now theres one more reason to avoid carrying a large balance: if you make a late payment, your penalty might be tied to how much you owe the card company.
Its true; card companies make their money through fees, penalties, and interest. But some of the penalties are severe, such as what seems to be the new standard: a $39 late fee on balances of $1,000 or more. And that penalty can come from being just two days late on a payment.
If you think this seems a bit harsh, youre right. Fees and penalties have never been stricter. The mortgage crisis is to blame; with so many bad debts being written off by home buyers filing bankruptcy, card companies are facing record losses. They are trying to recoup these losses however they can, and fees and penalties are the fastest way.
Take a look at recent statistics for three of the top card issuers in the United States:
Late fee: $15 on balances up to $100; $25 on balances of $100 up to $1,000; $35 on...