How To Choose A Good Share Or Currency To Trade
The most exciting point of investment is selecting a stock to buy or a currency that will rise against another.
Behind you is a careful determination of your fitness as an investor. You have set your objectives. You have made contact with the man who win be your agent and confidante in all transactions. You know the market place in which you and he will be operating, and you have fundamental knowledge of the types of securities available to you.
All right, what do you buy?
Whether you want income, growth, or safety, your challenge now is to survey the field and narrow it down to the stock that seems best to meet your requirements. This means research.
You will feel like the amateur you are at first.
There are experts of every description who have a big lead on you in wisdom and experience. There are sober scholars who have made a lifetime specialty of rails, oils, utilities, or steels.
There are bushy-tailed tipsters offering tempting morsels that, in all truth, turn out well enough just often enough to be most disconcerting. And there is information and advice millions of words of...