Not so long ago if you wanted to take out a loan you had little chance to compare loans, and little choice about where you borrowed. It was either the high street bank, or a building society or friendly society. And the amount you borrowed was severely restricted too. You were mostly relying on the generosity of the bank manager and hoping that your credit record was good enough. If not, then too bad – no loan for you.
Today you are spoiled for choice. Banks and building societies compete with each other endlessly. The situation has almost gotten out of hand with the people throughout Britain owing in excess of one trillion pounds. That’s a whole lot of money! And that’s why it’s important that you carefully compare loans when it comes time to borrow any sizeable amount of money.
Loans are not all made equal. You have to read the small print carefully, or have someone who is qualified explain it all to you. For example, if you found yourself in a position in say a year’s time to pay off a loan that was intended to run for five years, would you be able to do so without incurring a penalty? You should always try to build in as much...