In this day and age, plastic rules, not just because of convenience and safety features but also because of the opportunities for rewards and rebates that many competitive credit card companies offer. You no longer have to look too hard for credit card offers because they will find you. The only question is how to pick one that will give you the best deal. If this is your current dilemma, here are some simple tips to help you narrow down your choice:
Never go random.
When there are so many credit card offers out there that seem to offer the same things, it can be tempting to just sign up for whatever card comes along. This is not a good way of taking advantage of credit card offers. Never pick a credit card based some random advertisement, a recommendation, pressure from the credit card company or a purchase emergency.
Consider what you’ll use it for.
While a credit card can give you a semblance of financial freedom, it is still a form of debt, that’s why it’s called a credit card. Before you decide on a credit card offer, think about what you’ll need to use it for and how often you think you’ll be using it. ...