The best way to get a term life insurance policy with no medical exam is to search for, get a quote for, and virtually purchase the policy online. While the process seems simple thanks to the Internet, getting a no exam term life insurance policy isnt always what its cracked up to be.
Life insurance companies require medical exams because they want to know what theyre up against. They want to know exactly who and what theyre insuring, and how risky its going to be for them to insure you. Sure, a life insurance company can deny you a term life insurance policy, and a poor medical exam may give them reason to do so. However, having a blemish or two on your medical exam (having smoked within the last few years, having high blood pressure, having high cholesterol, being overweight) doesnt necessarily mean youre going to be denied. It may just mean your premiums will be a bit higher than if you didnt smoke and had no current health conditions.
At the same time, life insurance companies that offer term life insurance policies without requiring a medical exam might not provide optimal coverage. For example, a life insurance company may refuse to provide your beneficiary...