There are several ways you can obtain affordable, low cost health insurance. If youre employed, your employer may offer a group health insurance plan for employees. Married individuals can usually opt to be covered under their spouses health insurance their children can be covered, too. If you belong to a club or organization, you may be able to take advantage of group medical benefits offered by the club or organization. Of course, you may be able to afford an individual health insurance plan.
However, if none of these apply to you, and purchasing an individual health insurance plan isnt a financial option, perhaps its time to contact your states department of insurance. Most states in America offer some sort of medical benefits package to residents who cant otherwise afford an affordable, low cost health insurance plan. Or, perhaps you can afford to purchase an individual health insurance plan, but are continually denied coverage due to a pre-existing health condition. Some states also offer health insurance plans for individuals in this situation, too.
Each state sets forth its own criteria for state-sponsored health care coverage eligibility. You may need to...