The penalties for driving in Missouri without automobile insurance are too great to make the risk worthwhile. You risk losing your driving license, having your car impounded, or even spending time in jail. And if you are in an accident and found not to have insurance the penalties can be even worse.
This puts many people with limited incomes in a tough spot. They need to drive an automobile, yet the cost of automobile insurance can be sky high. Is there no way to bring down the cost of automobile insurance in Missouri?
Well, there are a few things you can do.
Start by always driving defensively and obeying all traffic laws. Being involved in an accident, especially being involved in more than one accident within a 12 month period, can cause your monthly premiums to rise.
Tickets for speeding and convictions for drunk or impaired driving will cause your premiums to skyrocket for several years. Do not drink and drive ever.
Fortunately there are several proactive things you can do which will actually drive down the cost of your automobile insurance.
First, if you are under 25 and still in school, stay there and get good grades. In most...