How To Save Money And Get Discount Life Insurance In

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How To Save Money And Get Discount Life Insurance In Connecticut

A major part of the life insurance purchase process is knowing what to purchase. Before you get on line and begin submitting information to a host of Connecticut licensed insurance companies, make sure you know which type of insurance you need and can afford.

Underwriting factors such as your health, age and lifestyle habits serve to increase or decrease premiums, but there are fundamental rules that apply to life insurance. Here are a few of the basics:

1.Term: Term is the most basic and least expensive form of life insurance policy. They are in effect for a set period of time. The face value of the policy does not change and it remains in effect until the insured dies or the policy expires (whichever occurs first). If the policy expires, there are no return premiums due the insured.

If you have a term insurance policy, most companies offer the option to upgrade and convert the policy to a permanent life policy.

2.Permanent Policies: There are several variations on permanent policies, but the most common types are listed below:

Whole Life: These policies accrue cash value...

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