Sometimes you get a shock when you open your credit card statement, and it’s not just because of the phenomenal amount you spent on clothes last month. Occasionally there may be transactions on your credit card statement that don’t look familiar. Sometimes this is a simple banking error, but it’s worth paying attention, because you may be a victim of identity theft.
What Is Identity Theft?
Identity theft is the theft of personal information that can be used to identify individuals. It is closely related to identity fraud, which is the use of that information to obtain goods and services by deception. Identity fraud may also mean using that information to create a false identity.
Signs Of Identity Theft
Aside from the appearance of unrecognized transactions on your credit card or bank statements, other signs of identity theft are:
– Getting bills, invoices or receipts for goods or services you haven’t ordered
– Getting turned down for a credit card or loan in spite of having a good credit rating
– Finding that a mobile phone contract has been set up in your name without your knowledge