Before you select a credit card, you should compare what each credit card company or bank has to offer. If you get a credit card offer through the mail, you should go to the Internet and research the credit card offer more completely. You should also read the fine print to see if there are any hidden fees or other costs associated with the credit card offer. Quite often, with offers through the mail, credit card companies, issuers or banks will try to sneak in hidden fees and costs.
As you start to compare offers, make sure that you look at the APR (Annual Percentage Rate) and the fees. The APR is very significant, as it will tell you your credit card yearly interest rate. You will want to get the lowest APR available for your credit card. If you find a credit card with an unusually high APR, you should immediately bypass it. Credit cards with high APR rates can quickly lead you into credit card debt. Even with good credit and income high APR rates can leave you with credit card charges that are very difficult to pay.
Among the options available to you, you will find four primary choices for credit cards – Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover....