To build any serious income you have to use leverage. You accomplish this by spending your time creating and managing levers. Id bet that if you are creative enough, you could probably create a lever on anything that can provide an income. Let me explain this with several examples.
If you do not have an employee, you are not leveraging your time. Start leveraging your time in a tiny way with something that doesnt require complex skills, like a dog walking service. But get other people to walk the dogs. You never walk the dogs, you focus on marketing and increasing the number of dogs to walk, and more walker employees. Then you hire an employee to handle the marketing and sales duties, and then youll have a business that runs on its own without you. Youll have an absentee ownership model where you have the free time to start another business to leverage. You have to learn that you cant run an empire if you are doing everything yourself. The old quote for this situation is, The more I do, the less I accomplish.
If you are not saving money every month, you cannot leverage your money. Start tiny, take 3% of any income into your checking account, and move it into a...