Ever wondered why one would need life insurance especially as it is seen as an additional expenditure that one might not need. Well, we can surely find somewhere else for that money to go, and the real truth is, we may not really give it much thought until we have a family and begin accruing assets. Life insurance is an insurance policy, just like our auto or homeowners insurance, which offers us with added assurance that in any eventuality we will be covered financially. In the case of death, life insurance allows our family to ensure of our end of life needs, that includes burial or cremation at the least, and more depending on how much coverage we purchase.
As we live in the age of credit purchases, we bear a considerable amount of debt through our working years. This includes mortgage and car payments, as well as personal loans, credit cards, and student loans, just to name a few. A majority of companies offer their employees some type of life insurance coverage that can be purchased at a reduced group rate. This can either be a minimal amount or it can be twice your salary, it just depends on your personal situation and which options are available to you. A lot of...