Are you under severe financial stress with credit card debt, no assets and a salary that does not allow you to meet repayments? Is the situation getting worse by the month, and have you tried to consolidate or negotiate with the bank to reduce fees with no luck? I was in this situation myself at one stage. I needed help and fast! I realized I was probably not alone as many people experience financial stress as a result of increasing personal debt and rising interest rates. I decided I had to find a way to solve the problem. I turned to my favorite ebook superstore cbdeluxe for information as they have a wealth of information I can draw down from.
Firstly I decided I should seek help and advice through a financial counseling service. These organizations provide free, independent and confidential services to help you take control of your financial affairs. They help you to work out a plan and mediate with the bank on your behalf. Intermediaries tend to negotiate better with the banks and credit institutions than you can. The banks take more notice and take your situation more seriously if they are presented with a documented budget and a realistic plan of your outstanding...