If you have loan repayments to make each and every month and are in full time employment then you should give some serious consideration to taking out loan cover to guard against the fact that you might sometime in the future find yourself out of work due to suffering from an accident, sickness or unemployment such as redundancy. Being in this position would no doubt leave you unable to meet your monthly loan repayments.
While the majority of lenders are usually sympathetic and do give you a little leeway if you have problems, if you were to be out of work for any length of time you will have big problems if you cannot make the repayments. Even a month off from work would mean you would have to struggle to catch up on the missed repayment. However you can have peace of mind if loan cover also called loan payment protection insurance or ASU insurance – is suitable for your circumstances.
Loan cover guards against the possibility of the policyholder becoming out of work due to accident, long term sickness or involuntary redundancy and cover will usually kick in after you have been out of work for 30 days or more (this varies from provider to provider)....