Loan Protection Insurance Is Still Worthwhile Considering Despite The Bad Publicity
Despite the bad publicity surrounding loan protection insurance it is still worthwhile considering whether a policy would be in your best interests. The cover has come under fire but it is not the actual product that should be the cause for concern but rather those who sell it with very little experience.
The majority of policies that are mis-sold are bought alongside loans at the time of taking out the borrowing and high profits have been put ahead of the consumers best interests. This is not surprising when you consider that high street lenders bring in profits of over 4 billion each year when selling payment protection insurance policies alongside loans and mortgages. Cover bought alongside loans often comes with the highest premiums and by choosing to take out the cover independently you can make huge savings on the cover along with getting the information needed to make an informed decision.
It is the exclusions which have caused the majority of problems – or rather the lack of knowledge about them at the time of being sold the policy. Exclusions which are common...