The people of today are hooked into the use of their credit cards in every purchase transaction that they engage into. So it is not to be doubted that there are several of the credit cardholders who happen to suffer from unpaid credit debts.
The main reason for this is that these users tend to let their impulse rule over them. Meaning, they tend to purchase things which are in truth not of great use to them. The result is that they have to pay for a lot of interest charges and add the fact that they earn debts for themselves!
With the lavish use of the credit cards, more and more money get wasted. But with the onset of the fierce competition among the numerous credit card companies, these businesses provide attractive offers to lure great numbers of clients. All these credit card issuers think of getting ahead of their competitors. Part of the handsome offer of these credit card issuers is the low APR. What is a low APR all about and how can you benefit from it?
The APR or the annual percentage rate is the determining factor for the computation of the total interest rates and other fees which you as the cardholder need to repay aside from the principal...