A bad credit history has a way of keeping you from getting an unsecured low-interest credit card. Unsecured credit cards, it would seem, are simply reserved for those with good credit ratings, not those who have experienced the need for debt relief. Credit Cards provide a sense of security when traveling and a substitution for cash that you dont always have immediately on hand. A form of debt management if you will, only this time it comes with low interest rate cards which often also offer fun and special rewards.
So, if you have a good credit rating and you have all but eliminated credit card debt — meaning you do not use credit cards for much of anything other than emergencies but want or need a small credit line, just for emergencies say like just a few hundred dollars, low rate alternatives can reduce interest rates and thus, save you money. You, are in a unique position to decide what exactly you want in a credit card and a lender, and you can shop based upon that wish list. Say for example that you want a card with no annual fees and no APR% rate. Your options may then include:
Chase Platinum Credit is one of the few cards that can meet these...