While plenty of cardholders around the world suffer from unpaid debts due to unsurpassable high interest rates, there are also some who enjoy low rated credit cards plus other benefits. Are there secrets on how to acquire a low interest rate credit cards or owning one that offers rewards?
Several people claim that credit cards are no other than a heavy yoke to their pocket. They would express their heartfelt hate to the credit companies and banks that do not in any way lower their rates though they maintain a good standing and credibility with them. How could these things go possibly true and untrue?
All credit card companies, except otherwise for some that chooses not to, apply the APR or known as the Annual Percentage Rate. APR is the interest being charged by the credit company to the borrowers. This interest rate includes other fees and add-on costs that is part of the transaction. There are other companies that associate APR with the penalties due to late payments, transaction fees and other forms. The APR may serve as the ground rate in which a lender can compare with other companies. There are provisions that mandate credit card companies to show the APR to...