Those who have extra money lying around should invest it to make this grow. There are treasury bonds and the stock market. Since the rates of these two fluctuate throughout the year, it is uncertain if the amount placed will double in the next few months.
This is the reason that many people have decided to put the money somewhere else. A good example is the foreign exchange market otherwise known as FOREX where
The money to be invested in this endeavor is never overnight. Just like the stock market or the treasury bonds, this will be stay there for a few months or years before the person decides to cash in on some of the investments.
The nice thing about the FOREX is that an investor can put more money in or cash some of it at anytime. This is because trading is done 24/7 almost 6 days a week since people from different parts of the world do business in different time zones.
The investor will have to do business through a dealer. This professional will advise the person on what to buy and then decide whether to push through with it or not.
Who can play in the market? The good news is that anyone can join in the frenzy. Those who dont have...