If you find that you have a sudden need for cash, an emergency need, then a payday loan may be just what you need. These loans are now available in many places, and one may be available to you online. Here is how you can get the cash you need quickly.
A payday loan can be easily obtained – either in a cash advance type store, or online. In most cases, you can get up to about $1,500 with about a 10 minute application process. Some lenders will limit the loan to $1,000.
The only thing that you need to get your payday loan is that you have worked in the same place for about six months, and make over $1,500 each month. Some payday loan lenders only require that you make $1,000 per month. You will not need to offer anything as collateral, and you also do not need to worry about a credit rating. The lender will not check your rating at all so it does not matter if your credit is good or bad.
Some payday loans, which require faxes be sent to them, will require evidence of employment. Generally they want you to fax them copies of your recent employment pay stubs as proof of your employment.
In addition to that, you will need to have a checking...