A payday loan is a type of loan whereby you can borrow money against your upcoming pay check. In the UK, anyone with a job can avail of a payday loan. A payday loan in the UK is quite convenient when emergencies arise in the middle of two paydays. Imagine this situation you are somewhere in between the last pay check and the next one. Your car suddenly breaks down and you have extra costs that your insurance wont cover. You absolutely need your car. You dont have extra money in the bank to pay for its repair. What will you do? You can either wait for your next pay check or take out a payday loan.
As you may have surmised by now, a payday loan is a quick way to get cash as long as you have a means of paying it back in the near future. It is basically a short term loan. That also means that you would probably have to pay a higher rate of interest on it. That is why financial experts advise that you do not take out a payday loan unless you are sure that you can pay it off within a short period of time.
There are a few considerations before you can apply to a payday loan company for short term financial assistance. To be specific, in the UK, you would need to meet...