Are you getting past due notices on bills you thought you paid? Did you try to take money out of your bank account and you found out its overdrawn? Or, did you try to pay for your groceries and found out that your check was rejected and you cant pay for your groceries for your family? Or maybe, you went to your favorite retail store to purchase an item you thought you could not live without and attempted to charge it to your credit card and you were told your purchase is declined? You probably have the symptoms of spending which is out of control.
Youre trying to figure out what should I do to control my spending. There are some things you may want to consider which include the following:
1) Get a copy of your bank statement to find out about the items which have gone through your account which include; checks, debits, deposits and withdrawals. This will help you to find out where you are in your spending. Youve gotta start somewhere, so this is a good place to begin.
2) Work on reducing your spending. What do I mean by this? Well, cut out items you want but really dont need. For instance, consider reducing your shopping if you find yourself in...