Perhaps You Should Choose A Low Interest Credit Card
Many people only look for low interest credit cards when they are seeking a credit card. The credit card companies also advertise low interest credit cards considerably more that any other kind of credit card. Still, it is important to ask yourself, when applying for a credit card, should a low interest credit card be the only card to shop for when searching for a credit card? In many cases, the low interest credit card is exactly what is needed, however, that is not true for all credit card seekers, though it still is a good plan to have a low interest card as a handy backup financial tool for emergency purchases and cash advances.
Let us endeavor to understand what is important about theAPR (annual percentage rate). APR is the interest rate that credit card issuers use, to calculate the amount of money,they are going to bill you, for using your credit card and carrying an unpaid monthly balance. If you make purchases or a cash advance and owe money on your credit card at your monthly credit card bill due date, you will have to pay the credit card issuers the amount you borrowed, in purchases or cash advances,...