With a rapidly changing marketplace, as well as the ever-looming danger of getting robbed, it has become more and more fashionable to carry a credit card instead of cash. Credit cards are difficult to use once they are stolen. They can also offer the consumer freedom to spend more without carrying large bundles of cash.
So should you apply for a credit card? If you are interested in doing so, consider the following questions:
Are you financially secure? Once a credit card is swiped, money is placed into a credit account, which you have to pay after a certain amount of time. You may have the power to spend, but credit cards demand that you also have the power to pay your dues when the time comes.
Do you have full control over your spending habits? Credit cards can often lead to unnecessary spending, since they give the illusion that no money is leaving your wallet. If you can control your spending habits and know when to stop before going overboard with the swiping, then you can apply for that credit card.
Are you aware of the risks, and do you have methods to curb them? There are many risks associated with applying for and using credit cards, and you...