Earn while you spend how does this sound? Exciting? That is precisely what rewards credit cards promise for you. The days of using your credit cards to just spend now and pay later are gone. Now, your credit card can fetch you rewards every time you use it to spend.
Credit card companies are competing with each other to give the best possible and of course the most useful rewards to their customers. You, as a customer of a rewards credit card, are completely spoiled for choice! There are rewards ranging from cash incentives and discounts on purchases to travel rewards like airline points or hotel stays or movie tickets, dinner coupons and many more creative rewards. By carefully planning your spending, you can reap rich rewards and actually feel happy about your expenses!
There are other very tempting benefits that come attached with these cards like waiving of the annual credit card fee, 0% APR and low interest balance transfers etc. Long term customers are preferred for these rewards, though in the highly competitive credit card market of today, new customers are also being welcomed with these options. Airlines, hotels, malls and brand shops selling attire,...