Lending companies need your business. If you are taking out a refinance home loan, check out what your current mortgage company can offer. Do not get a new loan from them unless they can offer you lower interest rates. On top of this notice, observe cautionary tips to get yourself a better deal on your new loan.
Getting A Refinance Home Loan
It is not always profitable to get a new loan with the same company if they cannot offer lower interest rates and they charge you more fees for the second loan.
Before getting a contract with a new lending company, know the following:
1. Is the service transferable?
2. Will you be going through the set up process anew?
3. Will you be paying another fee?
4. When will the current company forward the additional payments toward your refinance home loan?
5. Can you expect savings after the fees and costs involved in the new loan?
Traps to Avoid With a Refinance Home Loan
1. Do not get a new loan from your current company if they cannot offer lower interest rates like the other company. They may offer you a mortgage equivalent to your old loan in addition to your new loan...