Applying for your first credit card can be a fun and exciting time. This is the first step to adulthood. When you think of the word, credit card, you probably instantly think of trouble. This is because most Americans today dont know how to manage their money properly putting them in severe debt.
A Student Credit Card is a good idea depending on the user and how you use it. If youre able to manage your money and stay clear of debt, youre going to be on the right path. If you dont think youre going to have the responsibility and you think youll get into debt quick, steer clear of credit cards for a while. It would probably be best until you get a stable job before thinking of applying.
Credit cards are a great way to put your money on hold. If you say, get paid every other week and you wont have access to your spending cash for a few weeks, this is where a credit card comes in handy. Once your bill comes in the mail, you will have access to your cash by then and will then be able to pay off the bill in full. Its important that you pay off this bill in full because interest rates apply for every dollar you dont pay off!
One of the nicest things about carrying...