Obtaining a college education and having to pay for it can often mean using a student loan. A lot of the people offering student loans are able to give good deals on interest rates and tax credits, as they are specifically tailored to aid willing students meet the not inconsiderable expense of a higher education.
As always, the first thing you must do prior to getting a student loan is do some research and have a look at the various types of loan available and who are offering them. These loans are offered by colleges, private lenders, or even the government. In fact a student loan from the government might be your best bet, as you can obtain a better interest rate.
Then there is the subsidized loan which is income based and very generously the government will pay the interest until such time as the student is in a position to repay the debt i.e., gets a job. Another type of loan is where the parents of the student can take out a loan; to meet their siblings college expenses, this one is called the Federal plus loan.
Next, there are bank loans, which as usual come with different interest rates, and various payment options. These institutions will probably...