Studies show that a majority of the population at some time will have a problem with credit card debt. Today, many people find themselves drowning in credit card obligations with available balances close to the maximum and unable to make more than the minimum payments at atrocious interest rates just to keep afloat.
If you find yourself in this predicament, there are some practical things to do and think about which will enable you, over time, to eliminate your credit card debt and move on to live an abundant life. Many of these suggestions will seem radical, given the fact that we often find ourselves addicted to buying on credit and remaining comfortably vague about how much we actually owe, and what our debt is actually costing us.
Assuming you are at the end of your rope and losing sleep, heres what to do:
1. Stop using credit today! Yes, it can be done. Go on a cash basis. Do not panic. Many people decide to cut up their credit cards or, at a minimum, put them in the back of their freezer.
2. Begin keeping a record of all money you spend. Use a little notebook and write down everything, yes everything, from lattes to tolls to snacks. ...