There are very few people who don’t have credit cards. Most people who are over the age of 18 can testify getting many unsolicited letters from dozens of credit card companies, each one promising to help you save money, if you would just get a credit card through them.
Of course there is no denying that credit cards are very convenient. You can pay for almost anything and you don’t need to carry wads of cash around with you. Credit cards especially come in handy when you are a student. Just think of all those unexpected expenses that come up all the time, such as extra course material that you have to pay for, or the science trip your professor organized.
However, with students not being the most responsible people on the planet, there is a danger that credit cards can be used in the wrong way and for the wrong things. Hence parents have a responsibility to educate their kids in the correct and responsible use of credit cards.
What if a student finds himself in an unforeseen emergency of some sort? If he has credit available he can use the credit card to rescue himself. Putting spending limits on your credit card adds a measure of control and...