When drawing up a personal budget, it is important to be mindful of the differences between your idealized personal expenses and the actual personal expenses that your budget expresses exist. Be sure that you are not delusional in thinking that your cash expenses are not that high or that you do not spend that much money in light of your documented budget stating otherwise. You need to think about small items that you may purchase throughout the week as well as your larger fixed expenses. If you have adequate income to meet your expenses in terms of your fixed costs (for example mortgage payments) and your necessities (food, etc.), then you have planned your budget correctly. If the opposite is true, it is time to examine some of the variables in your personal budget.
The first factor to ensure a balanced budget is to make certain that your personal income is capable of covering your life costs and necessary money expenses. If this is not the case, you need more income to cover these key items. There is no point in budgeting if you do not have the money to provide paper on which to write the facts and figures, so make sure that you have enough financial capacity to...