If you are tempted by an offer of a loan that seems too good to be true, then it probably is. Although there are many excellent loan rates and offers out there, it pays to be cautious about introductory loan offers. Being cautious will help you to avoid being conned and ending up paying more than you should. If you want to know how to separate the good offers from the bad, then here is some advice for you.
Advance fees for a low rate
Once trick you should avoid is the companies who ask for an advance loan fee which will be returned to you after a period of time, and in exchange you will get a really low interest rate. These companies are usually bogus, and you will probably never hear from them again, having lost your advance fee and received no other funds. Always make sure the companies you apply for loans from are reputable companies with an excellent history.
Low rates but high fees
Although some low rates really are low, they come with other hidden charges and fees that will cost you large sums of money. You might have to pay large processing fees, or the fees for late payment and early repayment might be extremely high. Before taking advantage...